features of the s.v.p.s

1. Scholarship:

To promote and inculcate healthy competitive spirit, students are given scholarships for their good academic performances. Scholarship amount varies from min. Rs. 3000/- to max. Rs. 12000/- as per the category in which the student fits in.

2. Sports Scholarship:

S.V.P.S.is the only school to provide Sports Scholarship to the deserving and needy students. The State and National Level Players are provided with Annual Scholarships.

3. Cricket Academy:

The Cricket Academy adds to the glory of S.V.P.S. where training is imparted to the students under an efficient coach, who has the experience of playing and coaching. Children, as small as five years old also receive training in this Academy.

4. School's Website:

The school’s website gives information about the main features of the school like admission procedures, achievements etc. The photo gallery is a rich store – house of important and glorious moments of the school. All the major areas of the school like admission counter, fee counter, library and labs, students results are linked with it. Atwo way sms facility is also the main feature which helps the management to send and receive sms, to and from the parents.

5. Smart Classes:

In order to make teaching & learning process more interesting, smart classes with the use of digital boards have been introduced for all classes.

6. SMS Facility:

Looking to the increased mobile usage, the school has started informing parents about the child’s progress, holidays & other important details through SMS facility. Parents can also get & give all the information by sending SMS in return.

7. Brother Sister Concession:

If more than 2 children of the same parents are studying in this institution then the last few instalments, of Tuition fees will be waived off of the younger child. The number of instalments to be waived off, will be decided by the school management.

8. Assembly:

To inculcate a high sense of National integrity and universal brotherhood, each working day in the school starts with morning assembly including school prayer, devotional and patriotic songs. Stress is also laid on the moral development of the students. News reading, reciting poems with full actions, moral teachings and singing songs inchorus are the remarkable features of the morning assembly. Every week is assigned for one moral activity. Different and special days are celebrated like World Earth Day, Vanmahotsav, World Aids Day etc. Special Assemblies on special days & festival celebration are important features of the assembly.

9. Recreational Activities:

We celebrate all festivals & important days through recreational activities. Arts and crafts give a lot of creative opportunities to the students. Every child participates and has in his/her time table for the arts and crafts work, where minimum ‘B’ grade is required to get promoted. They learn making stuffed dolls to paper work, match stick work, clay modelling, cardboard modelling, instrumentation etc. All these activities of the whole year are displayed in the from of Art & Craft Exhibition.

10. Social Activities:

School organises Sports Day, Teacher’s Day, Annual Day, apart from many other functions. Children are involved in these functions. They also go out for touring and camping. For every activity, they work in groups. Every child is involved in one way or the other. Students – council Committee is formed every year where they learn to shoulder the responsibility.

11. Cultural Activities:

School gives lots of opportunities for self- expression and advancement of the cultural heritage. On Saturdays there are special programmes like dramatics, dance, music & fine arts. Every child gets the opportunity to participate.

12. Yoga:

Yoga is included in our timetable. This activity is also graded in Non-scholastic grades. Participation is mandatory.

13. Career Based Activities:

School offers Computer Education, Home Science, Needle Work, Origami etc., which provide opportunities for learning by doing for promotion to the next class showing preparation of their interest and participation.

14. House System:

To induce leadership quality, healthy competition and team spirit, co-curricular activities are introduced on house basis. The houses have been named after significant colours – Blue,Green.Yellow & Red

15. Music and Dance:

School has a separate Music and Dance room for the students. Special training is given in the evenings to the students who want to appear for the Diploma course recognized by the Raja Mansingh Tomar V.V.

16. Clubs:

Clubs like ‘Ecology Club’, Magazine Club, Social Service Club, Photography Club, Science Club, ‘Maths Club’, E & I Club, Arts Club, Quiz Club, Literary Club etc. have been formed in the school. Student’s active participation in all these fields under the guidance of teachers helps to develop the personalities of the children in all dimensions.

17. Value Education:

Stress is being laid on value education to inculcate moral values & Indian heritage among the students. It is developed through reciting stories, shlokas, yoga, & celebrating the birth anniversaries of saints, scholars & great leaders.

18. Physical Education:

It is imparted to the students by Mass P.T./drill, yoga and providing facilities of outdoor and indoor games to encourage healthy sportsman character, building sound body and healthy competitive spirit among the students. Excellent sports facilities with Volleyball, Net Ball, Throw Ball, Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Football and field events are promoted in S.V.P.S.

‘SPORTS DAY’a reflection of sports activities is organised by the school every year.

19. Weekly Tests:

Weekly tests are conducted on every Monday & Thursday. It is compulsory to appear in these tests. There shall be no retest and the child will be awarded zero, in case of absence.

20. Library:

Computerized library with a large volume of books, periodicals & course oriented journals are the special features which help us to shape the students into a versatile genius. It’s open between 9.00 am & 3.00 pm.

21. Laboratory:

Well-equipped labs of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer, are intheschool. These are made inthemost modern waywith a capacity of maximum students at a time.

22. Computer Education:

Computer education is an integral part of the school curriculum. Computer labs are well equipped with Pentium computers and Laser Printers where students are exposed to windows and other high level languages with a wi fi campus.

23. Excursion & Educational Visit:

Children learn many things from the neighbourhood community resources. This includes people, places and things found in the community which can facilitate learning. For this the child should have real life experiences. Our programme includes Excursions and educational visits to all the learning centres in the vicinity like Banks, Fruit- Market, Super Market, Power Stations, Vidhan Sabha, Air-Port, Factories, etc. as its learning centres.

24. Monthly Parents - Teachers' Meetings:

To keep a very good report between parents and teachers & for the betterment of the child, on the 2nd Saturday of every month, we conduct Parents – Teachers’ Meeting. Teachers meet parents of every child at least 10 times in a year for the child’s welfare / growth in performance.

25. Medical Checkup:

A complete medical check up of students is done by the visiting doctors authorised by the school. A separate health card is maintained for every student. Parents are informed of the health of the child in case any special attention is needed.